NGO Estonian Cancer Society�was founded in 1992 on the initiative of the Estonian Learned Society of Oncologists in order to enhance the anti-cancer activity and engage the wider public in the fight against cancer.
Estonian Cancer Society president Professor Vaino Tailor:
"Morbidity and improve the results of treatment are needed to operate a popular scale.�It was decided to establish the Estonian Cancer Society as a voluntary association of like-minded, bringing together clinicians and scientists, medical professionals and cancer patients, individuals and businesses - to all those who are striving to fight cancer '
Cancer registry data resides in approximately 34,000 patients with cancer.�2012 were diagnosed in 8040 new cases of malignant tumor, in 2014 3888 people died of this disease.�Over the past decade, the number of new cancer cases has increased by one fifth.�In its coverage of the scale of the global problem of cancer, while cancer mortality has decreased by at least half of all cancer patients have the chance to heal, if the disease is detected at an early stage.�According to specialists estimate that approximately third of all cancer cases can be avoided on prevention and early screening detected the cancer healing cure.