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EuropaColon Making Waves

EuropaColon is becoming more active in the policy arena for a number of reasons:

  • We are disappointed by the considerable inequalities in cancer care that exist across and between EU Member States, in terms of access to formal population screening, medicines and also latest treatment and care
  • Not all Member States have a comprehensive National Cancer Plan setting out the Government�s position on cancer services; without this Plan available, patients will struggle to get the best treatment and care
  • Despite the 2003 Commission recommendations and 2010 Guidelines on colorectal cancer screening, only 6 Member States have fully operational running formal population-based screening programmes. (Formal population screening means every eligible citizen is invited to be screened.) ((Reference - Eline Scheuder et al GUT 2015; 64:1637-1649)

These are essential considerations if people are to have access to the best available screening, treatment or care. We will continue to campaign to ensure these themes are embraced in all Member States.

Working with our country partners we will extend and strengthen local patient advocacy skills, targeting MPs and MEPs to improve their understanding of local health issues and the inequalities that exist.� We will encourage our Affiliate and Associate groups to develop close working relationships with MPs in their Country.

Energising Colorectal Cancer Screening

Over the years EU Institutions have increasingly sought to support Member States� efforts to improve cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and care and research. However as health is a devolved issue the EU has no direct influence about what happens within a country.

EuropaColon is determined to overcome these inequalities in Europe! To do this we are working closely with our screening adviser, Professor Stephen Halloran, and hope shortly to launch a pilot task force to visit a select number of countries to re-energise their screening programmes.

The task force will hold their first meeting in Vienna in October and hope to attract suitable funding to commence country meetings in 2017. We will shortly be announcing the list of members of this Taskforce and provide more information about their activities.



Barometer 2017

Every two years we undertake a review of challenges relevant to the delivery of colorectal cancer care across Europe.

Click here to view the Barometer 2017

Past Barometers

Written Declaration on the Fight Against Colorectal Cancer

EuropaColon White Paper

Registration No: 5314195 Registered Office: 92 Palatine Road, London N16 8ST.