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UG COLON is an independent, non-profit association founded to raise public awareness about colorectal cancer and to provide support to all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Europe in the fight against the disease.
Ongoing programmes of activities include:
Ensuring that there is a representative from the organisation in every major city in Bosnia and Herzegovina working with patients at local level�
Regional representatives will facilitate regular monthly meetings for patients providing psychological support and an opportunity to share their experiences. In addition, patients will be thought how they can affect change through advocacy actions�
One of the key activities of these groups will be to gather political commitment to influence Health Authorities and create a sufficiently strong electorate to affect change on the political decisions made by government in relation to colorectal cancer�
One of the organisation�s key goals is to eliminate waiting lists for chemotherapy, as well as the establishing palliative care systems to support late stage colorectal cancer patients.
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