Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs (Austria)
General Progress:Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs established in September 2004
www.derdickdarm.orgwww.darmkrebs.atAwareness Campaigns:
- Organising 'Colonhealth' awareness days (Tager der Darmgesundheit) throughout the country in 2008
- Successful 'Patients Day' organised in Vienna in April 2008
- Organised charity golf tournament of Selbstihilfegruppe Darmkrebs
- Printed booklet including great ideas and cooking recipes for good bowel health
- 18 March 2009 - Day of colon health in Innsbruck. This included lectures about colorectal cancer, prevention and treatment. It was lead by a team of specialists including an oncologist, psycho oncologist, radiologist and surgeon, together with an information stand of leaflets, plus a buffet for visitors
- Published quarterly Forum magazine
Media Activity:All forms of media in Austria have covered the activities of Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs