Wolfram Nolte's Story
�The better you plan the greater the shock.
The year of 2007 was drawing to a close. It had been a good year since it was my last year in business. I had always loved and enjoyed my job as an international sales manager in mechanical engineering industry. Business made me travelling around the world to see prospects and trusty customers. But now I was looking forward to enjoy my retirement with time to spend time on things I have had to postpone before. Doing repair work around the house, allowing the window frames a new lick of paint, gardening, bicycle tours, sailing.
I was alive and kicking, especially since I had undergone a hip replacement nine months before with a very positive outcome. My metabolism was pretty much okay and I felt medically optimally monitored and adequately fit for my age of 63.
When I was 59 I had been to colonoscopy for the first time in my life. It had needed almost four years of insistence and nagging from the side of my wife to get me there. Preventive colonoscopy is offered in Germany from the age of 55. The coloproctologer surprised me with the news that he had discovered a cluster of polyps – he said “a hamlet with a population of less than hundred�