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CCPC 2013 -�Your life, your responsibility


The programme of CCPC 2013 addresses the following key topics:

  • Recent and future advance in CRC treatment
  • Examples of best practice and the benefit for patients
  • Challenges in access to best treatment and care in EU member states: the importance of lobbying
  • Interactive sessions


The programme for CCPC 2013 can be found by clicking here
We have now added Youtube videos which you can access by clicking any of the sessions!

Please also find our delegate booklet for the conference by clicking here

Speakers confirmed to date for CCPC 2013

EuropaColon was proud once again to see such of high calibre speakers join us at this 2nd CCPC 2013.� We were honoured to have the support of key opinion leaders from all colorectal cancer disciplines.��


Petru Luhan
Petru Luhan
European Peoples Party, MEP. ROMANIA

Vice-Chairman of the EPP Young Members Network, Member of the Committee on Regional Development, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Member of the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Petru Luhan holds a Bachelor's Degree in International Management from the University of Osnabr�ck,Germany. He subsequently continued his education at the same University with a Master's Degree in �International Business & Global Management�.
After his studies in Germany, he returned to Romania where he held management positions in several multinational companies. Before becoming a Member of the European Parliament, Petru Luhan was the administrator of Suceava County Council (North-East Romania).

At a European level, since the beginning of his mandate, Petru Luhan has been deeply involved in health topics, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. For his efforts in effecting change in legislative and regulatory policies, so as to help optimising cancer prevention, detection, treatment and care throughout Europe, Petru Luhan was awarded the title "Romanian MEP of the year 2010".

Petru Luhan is also the initiator of WD no.20 on Multiple Sclerosis, which calls on the member states to enhance equal access to quality care, foresee specialised nursing training and elaborate national registers for patients with Multiple Sclerosis.��

Eric Van Cutsem
Professor Eric Van Cutsem
Professor, Internal Medicine, University of Leuven Hospital. BELGIUM

Professor Eric Van Cutsem is currently Professor of Internal medicine at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and is responsible for the division of Digestive Oncology at the University Hospital Gasthuisberg.�

He holds the special Chair of Digestive Oncology at the University of Leuven and has a mandate as clinical researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO). He is also the Medical Director of EuropaColon and the President of the European Society of Digestive Oncology (ESDO).

Professor Van Cutsem has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and more than 350 other texts or chapters in books on gastrointestinal cancer. He also co-ordinates several European and worldwide trials investigating new drugs for gastrointestinal cancer, serves on many Steering Committee and Advisory Boards and is a member of several scientific organisations.�

He organised the PICC (Perspectives in Colorectal Cancer) meetings in Barcelona and is currently Chair of the Scientific Committee of the World Congress in Gastrointestinal Cancer in Barcelona, in partnership with ESMO since 2005.

Barbara Moss
Barbara Moss
Colorectal cancer survivor, EuropaColon Chair of Expert Patient Advisory Group. �UNITED KINGDOM

Barbara worked as an English teacher for 30 years. At the age of 52, she was diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer of the colon, spread to the liver. She underwent several treatments of conventional chemotherapy and was then treated with Avastin, at her request. This had such a dramatic effect on her tumour that it became resectable and changed her prognosis from only palliative to possible cure. She also overcame a recurrence of the disease in her lymph.

Barbara has since been an active campaigner for best treatment to be available for CRC patients and help them through her experience. She has also written a book called, 'Who's been Peeping in my Bed?' which tells her story.

She is Patient Ambassador for Europacolon and Bowel Cancer UK.

Barbara Moss' Presentation�

Jola Gore-Booth
Jola Gore-Booth
EuropaColon Founder/ CEO. UNITED KINGDOM

EuropaColon, the first Pan European Not for Profit organisation to focus on colorectal cancer was founded by Jola Gore-Booth in 2004. Fuelled by Jola's passion and vision EuropaColon has become a respected voice in Europe, working to prevent deaths and improve the quality of life and support for people affected by colorectal cancer.

Jola's vision for EuropaColon has grown from long-standing experience and an in depth understanding of the needs and challenges face by people with colon cancer.
She was Chief Executive of Colon Cancer Concern, a leading colorectal cancer charity in the UK (now known as Bowel Cancer UK) from 1998 until August 2005. In addition, she has worked alongside experts in the field as a participant in the UK Government's Bowel Cancer Advisory Board, NICE Implementation Advisory Board and Public Affairs Committee of the United European Gastroenterology Federation; she was also a member of the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Steering Committee.

A key focus of Jola's current work is to grow the network of patient group organisations and the number of European europacolon affiliates dedicated to colorectal cancer. She also tirelessly campaigns to ensure that governments and other stakeholders prioritise colorectal cancer and gives numerous presentations to raise awareness at conferences and meetings around the world

Tit Albreht
Dr. Tit Albreht, M.D
Assistant Professor, M.D. PhD - Institute of Public Health. SLOVENIA

Dr. Tit Albreht, M.D. (1961), Slovenian, Ph.D. in Health Services Research at the University of Amsterdam, Head of the Centre for Analyses of Health Systems, Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Researcher in the field of health services research, health policy and health systems research, member of the Scientific Committee of EUPHA, member of Academy Health, member of the Slovenian Preventive Medicine Society � currently also member of its Board, member of the Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Slovenia.

He is an Associate Professor of public health at the Department of Public Health of the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana.
He acts as a reviewer of several scientific journals and of projects submitted for financing to the European Commission. He is work package leader on the European Partnership on Action Against Cancer exploring the national cancer plans.

Tit Albreht's Presentation�

Ian Banks
Ian Banks
Professor, President of the European Men's Health Forum. UNITED KINGDOM

Ian Banks represents all doctors for the British Medical Association as a member of Council for the UK and has been awarded the BMA accolade, the Association Gold Medal. He worked on the Developing Patient Partnerships (DPP formerly Doctor Patient Partnership) for six years.

He is the official spokesman on men's health issues for the BMA, President of the European Mens Health Forum and former President of the England & Wales Men's Health Forum, past Vice President of the International Society of Mens Health, past Deputy Editor of the Mens Health Journal and for six years the medical editor for The Men's Health Magazine. Ian was appointed visiting Professor of Mens Health in Europe by Leeds Metropolitan University in 2005 and awarded the Royal Society of Public Health Gold Medal for public health in 2007 followed by appointment to the Academy in 2012.

The City of Vienna and the International Society of Mens Health honoured Ian with their award for public health in September 2007. In 2012 the RSPH appointed Ian as Professorial Fellow to the Society. He is now Visiting Professor to the University of Ulster. He currently chairs the European Cancer Organisation (ECCO) Patient Advisory Committee.

Ian Banks' Presentation�

Brendan Barnes
Brendan Barnes
�Director Heath Policy & Corporate Responsibility , TRCPC Lead - EFPIA. �BELGIUM

Brendan Barnes joined EFPIA in 2002 his areas of responsibility include trust and reputation, communications and intellectual property.
He previously worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry for 11 years, in a range of roles including Finance, Strategic Planning and Public Affairs.�
In the course of his career he has also worked in a number of other industries.
He has degrees in Psychology and Business.

A UK national, he is married with two children.

Petra Boelens
Petra Boelens

Petra Boelens is a Dutch surgeon with focus on breast and colorectal cancer surgery.
The medical school lottery in the Netherlands caused her to postpone her studies for three years and worked first for an aid organisation in Uganda and Kenya. In desperation she started medical school in Belgium and� only then, was she offered a Dutch University to complete her medical studies.
She completed her PhD in perioperative nutrition at the Free University in 2005. She has already written a large number of international publications and presents regularly on her work. She has received a number of awards for her research.

The death of her father from cancer helped clarify her ambition to become a patient-centered surgeon with the aim to improve the quality of cancer care and patient clinician interaction. In 2009 she started her residency at the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven. During her training she completed several quality care projects. These included chairing the group to implement the key indicators for malnutrition screening in the hospital and co-authoring the Dutch Perioperative Guideline on Nutrition. After qualifying she worked on a decision aid for shared decision making and helped write the new surgeon/patient guideline for shared decision making in breast cancer.

At present she works part time at Leiden University as a Research Fellow on the European project for cancer audit EURECCA� and also at the Franciscus Hospital Roosendaal as a surgeon for patients with colorectal and breast cancer. She is married to Sander and is proud mother of Pim (2 years).

Petra Boelens' Presentation�

John Bowis
John Bowis

President Health First Europe; Vice-President, European Health Forum Gastein; Chairman Health Advisory Board, GSK and Conservative Europe Group; Adviser to FIPRA, Policy Action and Hanover; Board Member: TBVI, Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Gamian Europe, European Men�s Health Forum, SANE, World Federation for Mental Health and Maastricht University European Health Faculty; Patron: Fund for Epilepsy; Apex Trust; Vice President: Diabetes UK; Ambassador: National Aids trust and Alzheimer�s Society.

OBE 1981
Hon. Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 2003
Hon Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 2009
First recipient of the European Public Health Alliance Award for Service to
Public Health 2009

Panel and Audience Debate Moderated by Mr John Bowis

Antoni Castells
Antoni Castells, MD
MD, PhD, Specialist in Gastroenterology. SPAIN

Director of the Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases of the Hospital Cl�nic of Barcelona, Coordinator of the Colorectal Cancer Unit at the Hospital Cl�nic, and Coordinator of the Barcelona�s Colorectal Cancer Screening Program.

Director of the Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology Research Group at the Institut d�Investigacions Biom�diques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) and Centro de Investigaci�n Biom�dica en Enfermedades Hep�ticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd). He is co-leading investigator of the EPICOLON project, a multicenter, nation-wide study aimed at characterizing hereditary and familial colorectal cancer forms in Spain (JAMA 2005; 293:1986; Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11:7304), and COLONPREV project, a study aimed at establishing the best strategy for colorectal cancer screening (NEJM 2012; 366:697).

His main areas of interest are colorectal cancer treatment and prevention (Gastroenterology 2001; 120:1084; Lancet 2002; 359:2224; Gastroenterology 2009; 137:404), and molecular biology (Gastroenterology 2002; 122:1122; Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10:4444) and genetics (Gastroenterology 1999; 117: 831; Cancer Res 2000; 60:2836; Genomics 2005; 85:338; JAMA 2012; 308:1555-1565) of gastrointestinal neoplasms.

Antoni Castells Presentation�

Andr�s Cervantes
Professor Andrés Cervantes
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Valencia, SPAIN

Dr. Andr�s Cervantes is Professor of Medine at the University of Valencia. He got his training in Medical Oncology at the University Hospital in Valencia. After completing his clinical training he got a research fellowship for two years at the Free University Hospital in Amsterdam, where he obtained his PhD degree with a work on multidrug resistance in the Cellular Pharmacology Lab of this institution.

Dr. Cervantes serves as Head of Section in Medical Oncology at the Dept. of Hematology and Medical Oncology at the University Hospital in Valencia. His main areas of research and clinical interest are gastrointestinal and gynaecologic malignancies as well as Phase I Trials and new drug development. He is the author of many research articles and educational papers published in peer-reviewed journals. He is also the Editor of Cancer Treatment Reviews and Clinical and Translational Oncology. He is a member of the ESMO Educational Steering Committee and he is currently chairing the Clinical Practice Guidelines Working Group at ESMO.

Andres Cervantes Presentation

Luc Colemont
Luc Colemont
Dr., Specialist, Gastroenterology, St Vincentius Hospital, Antwerp. BELGIUM

Dr Luc Colemont is a specialist in gastroenterology at St Vincentius Hospital,
Antwerp, Belgium. He has a huge interest in colorectal cancer and the promotion of
awareness of the disease. He has given numerous lectures on the subject both to
general physicians and the general public.

He is the co-founder of a multi-media colon cancer
awareness project (in collaboration with Lonely Alien Productions). He is the author
of "Een wereld zonder darmkanker" and is a member of many CRC Organisations in
his country. He works tirelessly on all aspects of Colorectal Cancer prevention and control.

Investing in CRC Prevention and control�
Luc Colemonts Presentation

Milan Djordjevic
Milan Djordjevic
CRC Survivor and President of Young Voices United. SERBIA

At the age of 24, Milan was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. At that time, he was leading a very active life as equestrian trainer and rider and working as journalist. Because he was so young, it never occurred to him that he had serious health problems. After the diagnosis of colorectal cancer was confirmed, Milan underwent surgery and afterwords was treated with the adjuvant treatment. After less than a year, he went back to his work and normal life.

Today this 35 years old judge in equestrian sport is working actively on many different levels to raise awareness on colorectal cancer. Together with EuropaColon, in 2012 Milan has started an initiative for young people affected by colorectal cancer - Young Voices United against CRC. His idea is for Young Voices United against CRC to become Europe's largest support community for young adults affected by the disease. As a vice-president of Serbian patient group against colorectal cancer, Milan is very active in his home country and determined to see the future free from colorectal cancer.

Milan Djordjevic's Presentation�

Pavel Elsakov
Dr Pavel Elsakov
M.D, PhD. Specialist in Gastroenterology and Oncology. LITHUANIA.

Pavel's main areas of interest are hereditary cancer and colorectal cancer detection� and prevention
He was a Coordinator of projects:
  • 'Prevention of colorectal cancer in asymptomatic patients with the positive colorectal cancer family history'� Open Lithuanian Found (1999 year),
  • EC Project in Lithuania 'Development of network of cancer family syndrome registries in Eastern Europe'. European Committee QLRI-CT-1999-00063 (2000-2003 years).
He published more than the 50 national and international research publications.

1985 � 2011 he worked in Vilnius University Institute of Oncology.
Since 2006 he has worked in the Vilnius Centre Policlinic. Diagnostics Centre.
Since 2012 he works in Government Institute of Research Examination.�
Innovative Medicine Centre.

In 1995 year (Lithuania) obtained PhD degree.
He is a member of UICC fellows association.
Awarded of UICC found ICRETT grants 1992 (Israel), 1997 (Israel), 2003 (France).
Awarded the Nordic Baltic found grants 1994 and 1998 (Denmark).
Awarded the Eric K. Fernstr�m grant 2006 (Sweden).

Pavel Eslakov's Presentation�

Antonio Gaudioso
Mr Gaudioso
Secretary General, Cittadinanzattiva, ITALY�

Mr. Gaudioso graduated in Political Science and International Relations at University of Macerata. He also participated in Summer School on HTA at London School of Economics.
In 2002 � 2012 he was Deputy Secretary of Cittadinanzattiva � Active Citizenship Network being responsible for the National and International relations with stakeholders such as the Italian Government and Parliament, European Commission and European Parliament. Since 2012, he is Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva.

Mr. Gaudioso is regularly invited to take the floor as speaker in national and international conferences and seminars on the issue of citizens� rights, welfare systems and corporate social responsibility. He takes part in the meetings with the National Drugs Committee (Commissione Unica del Farmaco/AIFA) where the access to drugs related to chronically illnesses is discussed.

Antonio Gaudioso's Presentation�

Aimery de Gramont
Professor Aimery de Gramont
Professor, Chairman of ARCAD Foundation and GERCOR, FRANCE

Founder, driving force and chairman of the French ARCAD Foundation and the GERCOR (French Academic Research Group).
Professor Aimery de Gramont was appointed in 2002 head of the Internal Medicine / Oncology department at Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris.
His longstanding ambition has been to find and develop innovative treatments for his patients and to remain in contact with them through regular consultations.

He states that "my patients represent a stimulus for progress in my research" Professor de Gramont's department takes care of approximately 600 new patients every year.
Professor De Gramont is an undisputed authority in the field of clinical research in colon cancer. The "De Gramont protocol" (FOLFOX) for colon cancer treatment is regarded as the reference chemotherapy protocol in Europe as well as in the US.

Aimery De Gramont's Presentation

Geoffrey Henning
Geoffrey Henning
Director of Policy, EuropaColon.� UNITED KINGDOM

Geoffrey Henning joined EuropaColon in 2012 as Director of Policy. Geoffrey brings more than 20 years of experience, first in the voluntary sector where he co-founded and managed a successful national fundraising organisation for HIV.

During this time the organisation made substantial grants to HIV organisations in the UK and abroad. Thereafter he joined Roche as Patient Liaison Manager and then worked as Policy Manager for Roche Oncology in the UK. During this time he worked closely with many different patient organisations in the UK on a variety of different projects. He now works as a free lance Policy Consultant in the UK.

Geoffrey Henning's Presentation�

Denis Heresbach
Denis Heresbach
Professor, MD, Ph-D FRANCE

Professor Denis Heresbach is in the Administrative Council of the French Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SFED) since 2008.�

He is in charge of the Guidelines published by SFED and was Editor in Chief from the SFED papers, �Acta Endoscopica� during 2008 - 2012.
He previously worked in a university hospital in Rennes (Brittany) and now works in an endoscopic unit. His expertise focuses on colonic polyp diagnosis and screening as well as endoscopic treatment.

In 2004 he was the project coordinator of the ANES, a French health agency (now called HAS) for the National Guideline of usefulness and indication of lower GI endoscopy. Moreover he pilots a National Study on polyp miss rates in France during 2006 and a comparative and prospective study between CT colonoscopy and videocolonoscopy in 2008-2009.

Denis Heresbach's Presentation�

Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous
Kaisa Immonon-Charalambous
Senior Policy Adviser, European Patients Forum. BELGIUM

Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous is a Finnish national, she has an MA in International Relations and Conflict Resolution. She joined EPF in 2010, having previously worked in EU policy, patient advocacy and external communications in both the private and non-profit sectors. She is responsible for leading EPF�s policy and advocacy work at EU level; analysing and advising on health-related policy issues, liaising with the EU institutions and stakeholder organisations, and developing EPF�s campaign and advocacy strategies.

EPF is the umbrella organisation of pan-European patient organisations active in the field of European public health and health advocacy. EPF currently represents 54 patient organisations, which are national coalitions of patient organisations and chronic disease-specific patient organisations operating at EU level. EPF�s vision is high-quality, patient-centred, and equitable healthcare for all patients throughout the European Union.

Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous' Presentation�

Sultan Kav�
Sultan Kav RN, PhD
RN, PhD,�Associate Professor at Baskent University.�TURKEY

Dr Sultan Kav began her nursing career following graduation from nursing school in 1991. She received her BSN, MSN and PhD degrees from Hacettepe University School of Nursing in Ankara, Turkey. Dr Kav has held a range of nursing positions, including clinical nurse, nurse supervisor, oncology nurse educator and research coordinator. She has organised and coordinated continued learning programs for nurses who work in the area of oncology at several institutions. She currently works as an Associate Professor at Baskent University, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing in Ankara, Turkey.

She is an active member of national and international oncology nursing organisations; has served as chair of MASCC Education Study Group and Principal Investigator of several studies of the education of patients receiving oral cancer agents, which led to a MASCC Education Study Group project to develop a teaching tool. She has been involved EONS since 2005 and currently immediate Past-President of the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS).

She is the recipient of the 2010 Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) International Award for Contributions to Cancer Care; prior to this she has received MASCC Young Investigator Award (2004) and MASCC Best Young Investigator Award in 2005.

Sultan Kav's Presentation�

Adriana Melnic
Adriana Melnic
Executive Director, Romanian Cancer Society. ROMANIA

Adriana Melnic is the Executive Director of the Romanian Cancer Society, a Non-Governmental Organisation committed to reduce cancer burden in Romania by advocating the rights of patients with cancer, ensuring psychological support groups, training of medical personnel, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle for prevention and early detection of cancer.

Adriana� has 20 years of experience in implementing health programs in Romania. She was trained as a family doctor and is currently training in Public Health as a second specialty.

Adriana Melnic's Presentation�

Gabriela M�slein
Gabriela Möslein
Professor, Coloproctologist. Bochum, GERMANY

Visceral and Colorectal Surgeon with a long-standing interest in hereditary colorectal cancer. She works at the Head Dept of Surgery HELIOS St. Josefs-Hospital in Bochum.

Gabriela had Surgical Training in Germany, Japan and USA. Post-doctoral work at the Dept. of Molecular Genetics at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN together with Steve Thibodeau. Long-standing member of the Leeds Castle Polyposis Group and ICG-HNPCC before establishing InSiGHT as the joint society. Inaugurative member of the German HNPCC consortium and as member of the steering committee designated representative for international cooperations. Co-coordinator of the Mallorca Group together with Hans Vasen. From 2007 � 2009 Chairperson of InSiGHT and host of the 3rd Joint Meeting in D�sseldorf. Ongoing Council Member of InSiGHT. Initiator and chairperson of �D�sseldorf gegen Darmkrebs e.V.� Member of the scientific board of several patient organizations involved with hereditary cancer, most recently of the �Familienhilfe Darmkrebs e.V.� Since mid 2012 Chairperson of the newly founded Working group for �Hereditary gastrointestinal Tumors� of the German Surgical Society (DGAV).

Gabriela Moslein's Presentation�

Vitor Neves
Vitor Neves
Chairman of EuropaColon Portugal. PORTUGAL

Chairman of Europacolon Portugal - the Association for the Fight Against Intestinal Cancer ( since 2006.

Volunteer for LPCC, IPO Porto, Internal Medicine Inpatients, since 1996. �He was responsible for strategic development and management of internal performance, awareness campaigns among the population, fighting for the implementation of population colon rectal screening in Portugal. �Among the several implemented Projects, we can point out the �Domiciliary Support for Advanced Colorectal Cancer Patients �and the �Healthy Eating in Schools Programme�.

Recently has been invited to join the Health Cluster Portugal Group in the study "The Health Sector: from Rationalisation to Excellency� and the Project �Health in Portugal: a challenge for the future� organised by the Platform for Health in Portugal of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, that aims to assign a group of 20 Portuguese and foreign experts, to present a proposal of restructuring the National Health System until 31st December 2014.

Vitor Neves' Presentation�

Tomas Pavlik
Dr. Pavlik
Biostatistician, Masaryk University Brno. CZECH REPUBLIC

Dr. Pavl�k is a biostatistician at the Institute of Biostatistics and Analysis of the Masaryk University, Czech Republic, a research institute oriented to the solution of scientific projects and providing related services, organization and management of clinical trials, software development and ICT applications. Dr. Pavl�k earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biology and mathematics at the Masaryk University, Czech Republic.

Nowadays, Dr. Pavl�k works especially in the field of cancer epidemiology with the main focus on a population-based survival analysis. His current research interests include: 1) multi-state survival models and analysis of competing risks; and 2) estimating number of cancer patients treated with anti-tumour therapy based on population data.
Moreover, Dr. Pavl�k is also involved as a lecturer of courses denoted to biostatistics and regression modelling in the Computational Biology study programme of the Masaryk University.

Tomas Pavlik's Presentation�

Keith Spencer
Dr.h.c Keith Spencer
Dr, h.c, Director Special Projects, EuropaColon. UNITED KINGDOM�

Keith Spencer spent almost 35 years in Sales and Marketting, in the medical industry, gaining worldwide experience. During this time he worked as European General Manager for a multi-national corporation, he now runs his own consultancy business.

For 30 years, he was involved specifically with gastroenterology and endoscopy, and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2003, for services to those specialities, particularly related to his support for research, training and education.
In addition to his formal company management responsibilities, Keith served for many years in the capacity of Industry Liaison between the medical device industry and the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and as a founder member and then Chairman of the Biomedical Industry Board (BMI) of the United European Gastroenterology Foundation. He was also active as a member of the UEGF Public Affairs Committee. In addition, he was actively involved in industry liaison and consultative interaction with both the world gastroenterology and endoscopy organisations.

He has been involved in aspects of CRC campaigning for a number of years, giving personal support to campaigns instigated by the ESGE and the UEGF.
He is now again UK-based, after living and working in Hamburg, Germany for 18 years. He speaks German, French and some Italian and Spanish, in addition to his native English.

Andrew Spiegel
Andrew Spiegel
Executive Director, Global Colon Cancer Alliance. UNITED STATES of AMERICA

Spiegel has a long and personal history with colorectal cancer. In 1998, Spiegel�s mother was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer. She exhibited numerous symptoms, which were ignored by her physicians, and died nine months later. It was then, that Spiegel and a group of others founded the Colon Cancer Alliance, the leading US based national patient advocacy organisation dedicated to colon cancer. Mr. Spiegel, an attorney, besides being a co-founder of the organization and longtime board member of the Alliance became CEO in January of 1999 and he ran the CCA for nearly 5 years, before undertaking his next venture, the Global Colon Cancer Alliance.
Currently, Spiegel is Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Alliance, an international patient advocacy organization.
Spiegel is a member of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and is on the Stand Up to Cancer Advocate Advisory Council. He serves on the steering committee of the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines, on the Board and Membership Committee of the Digestive Disease National Coalition (DDNC), is a member of the Coalition for Imaging and Bioengineering Research and is a member of the Computerized Tomography Coalition as well as an active member of many other health care coalitions and organizations. Spiegel is currently co-chair of the DDNC. In 2012, Spiegel received the David Jagelman Award for Patient Advocacy from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.

Spiegel is a 1986 graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia where he earned a Bachelor�s degree in Political Science with minors in English and Philosophy. He is a 1989 graduate of the Widener University School of Law where he was an editor of the Delaware Law Forum, an invited member of the Phi Delta Phi legal honors society and a member of the Moot Court Honor Society. After working for a Philadelphia litigation firm, Spiegel opened his own law firm in 1995 and was a participating member of numerous legal organizations in the region. Mr. Spiegel resides with his wife and three children in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wolfram Nolte
Wolfram Nolte
Colorectal Cancer Patient. GERMANY

Wolfram Nolte is 68, married and has one son and one granddaughter.
He has been retired since the end of 2007 and had previously worked as an International Sales Manager in Industry.

From the beginning of 2009 after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, he has had several cycles of chemotherapy- FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab. He has had no further tumor manifestations since early 2012

He is currently active in the patient support groups:
- Family Support Polypolis Coli
- Family Support CRC

He is also associated to the international patient advocacy organisations:
- EuropaColon
- Lynch Syndrome International

Wolfram Nolte's Presentation�

Harpreet Wasan
Dr Harpreet Wasan
Consultant Medical Oncologist, Imperial College Hospital, London. UNITED KINGDOM

Dr Harpreet Wasan leads the gastrointestinal cancers clinical research programme at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, where he is a Reader in Medical Oncology. He is on the UK National Cancer Research Institute steering committee, as well as being the inaugural past chair of the West London Cancer Network colorectal cancer group.

Dr Wasan is involved in the trial design and management of many CRC studies. He is Chief investigator (PI) of the UK NRCN MRC COIN-B trial and co-chief investigator (PI) of the UK NRCN FOXFIRE trial that is examining the addition of liver radioemolisation to first-line FOLFOX chemotherapy for mCRC. Dr Wasan has also contributed to the European working report on CRC liver metastases guidance.

In Upper gastrointestinal cancer, Dr Wasan is Pl in the UK NRCN trials portfolio in the cancer of unknown primary (CUP-ONE) project. He was co-chief investigator of the ABC-02 randomised controlled trial, which is the largest study conducted in bilary tract (liver) cancer and has set a new standard of care in this disease. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and past oncology advisor to the UK Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB), amongst many other national consulative roles.

Harpreet Wasan's Presentation
Registration No: 5314195 Registered Office: 92 Palatine Road, London N16 8ST.