"europacolon is committed to preventing deaths from colorectal cancer and improving the quality of life and support for those affected by the disease"
europacolon have been working extremely hard over the
past three years building Europe's first series of colorectal advocacy groups, working towards its mission of uniting patients, carers, healthcare professionals, politicians, the media and of course the public to fight the disease.
Good News from Hungry
"You Can Recover", europacolon Hungarian Associate
"You Can Recover" from Hungary is arranging their club meeting, which will take place in the National Institute of Oncology. They are planning to form a "You Can Recover" club, which would be the first step to form similar clubs in every Oncology Centre in Hungary.
Good News from Poland
February 4th marks the start of a nationwide survey (1060 people, randomised) looking at the general knowledge of colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of the survey is to identify people's knowledge of CRC, would they report any changes in bowel habit to their general practitioner (GPs), whether they know about the screening program that has been conducted in Poland for the last 3 years and finally if they know what the basic screening method for CRC is.
Good News from Portugal
Great news from europacolon Portugal!
They have just launched a project called "Education for Health in School". It is for secondary school for students of the 5th/6th grades (10 and 11 years old) organised by a couple of nurses, and associates, and to which europacolon Portugal is going to be associated and give its logistic, media and marketing support.
Slovenian activities for the first European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - 2008
- 4th March 2008 - Press Conference Launch
- 27th March 2008 - 10 doctors giving talks on all aspects of colorectal cancer - culminating in a cultural event with musicians singing and an actress reciting poems
- A visit from the first lady of Slovenia - taking place at the Oncology Institute
1st Europacolon European Affiliates And Associates Meeting, 28-29th June 2007, Wcgc Barcelona
Representatives from europacolon's European Affiliates and Associates gathered in Barcelona for the First Meeting of the organisation at the 9th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer in June last year. Also present were patient representatives from other European countries that were hoping to set up dedicated colorectal cancer organisations in their countries. The countries represented were Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Scotland.
europacolon espana
- Colorectal Cancer First Survey. Press briefing to launch the results
- Participation in some scientific congresses (Spanish Society of Medical Oncology), patients meetings (European Patients Forum), work meetings (Foro Español de Pacientes)
- Meeting with a responsible for the Ministry of Health to introduce the association and plan possible screening campaigns in the future.
europacolon Slovensko
- 22.06.2007: launch of the successful Slovak media campaign europacolon slovensko including direct mailing of educational flyer about prevention of colorectal cancer, using the most widely read magazine in Slovakia
- Since 22nd June 2007 continuously providing and financing free info-line europacolon slovensko 0800 800 183 for the public
- Carried out National survey of knowledge of colorectal cancer in October/ November 2007
Bowel Cancer UK
- Leading UK charity dedicated to raising awareness of bowel cancer
- Launched Patient Campaigning Pack that increased BCUK campaigning activity
- Numerous events and campaigns being organized
Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs Austria
- Organizing days of "Colonhealth" (Tager der Darmgesundheit) through the country (Austria) during the year - raising awareness campaign
- Organised "Patients Day" in Vienna in April
- Organized charity Golf Tournament of Selbstihilfegruppe Darmkrebs