The Association �K.E.F.I.� of cancer patients of Athens was founded in the spring of 2004 in Athens, aiming to provide emotional, psychological and social support in oncological patients and their family members, as well as information and awareness of society about cancer, accounting for backup in tough times of diagnosis, surgery & treatments. Space sharing emotions & aimed at mutual support. Power to demand our rights (health, social, labor). The occasion for collapsing the embarrassment of society and fear that accompanies cancer.�
"K.E.F.I." of Athens having as its main purpose the protection of cancer patients, regularly organizes:
It also provides social welfare care & support of cancer patients in hospital units.
Three pillars represent the main objectives of the Association:
a. Updating and mobilization of members of our community, with the aim of preventing and improving conditions for a better quality of life for patients and their family members.
b. Support, reinforcement and valid information on the rights and benefits of cancer patients and their families.
c. Providing training for volunteers, with support of cancer patients and caregivers.
The Board consists of people that were patients in the past and have joined forces in order to fight for the protection and support of cancer patients. Today, the members of the Association network reaches all of 670 registered, of which 320 are patients, while the network of trained volunteers reaches 60.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������For the implementation of its programs, in addition to volunteers, has organized Secretariat, Social and Psychological Services, and fixed external cooperation with the Centre for Psychotherapy Counseling �VILHELM RAIX� for the needs of specific projects.
Publishes a quarterly journal of special interest.
It has official website for information and public awareness and the relatively informative microsites, &
Collaborates in national and European level with institutions that contribute effectively to combating and coping with cancer and is a member of the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC).
So far in the difficult task of Association there have been valuable supporters, such as the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Pharmaceutical companies, subscriptions & donations of our members, as well as sponsorships of Public & Private Law organizations.
The disease is the rule! The health is the exception! The cure is our ultimate purpose.
Contact information, Association "K.E.F.I." of Athens:
Address: 33-35 Aitolias str. GR 11523, Athens � Greece
Tel: 0030 210 6468222, 0030 210 6447002, Fax: 0030 210 6468221
E-mail: [email protected]r