Can you help to shape the future of cancer care? New global patient survey launched in Poland and Sweden
In healthcare, inefficiency is often caused by not focusing on what matters most to patients. A new global.........
Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines
The American Cancer Society 2018 guideline for colorectal cancer screening recommends that average-risk adults aged 45 years and.........
Learn more about the MErCuRIC project
MErCuRIC is a multicenter investigator driven treatment trial to combat and prevent metastases in patients with solid cancer..........
How Merck is stepping up for patients
Patient centricity is a priority for Merck and its Executive Vice President and Head of EMEA Region for.........
Sixth Annual Presidency Conference 'Personalised Medicine and the Big Data Challenge'
Read the report from EAPM's Sixth Annual Presidency Conference held in Brussels at the end of last month.�
Norgine have been supporting #ECCAM18 with a bake off!
Norgine are one of ECCAM's most active supporters. They join together to create fun activities which raise money.........
Norgine have been supporting #ECCAM18!
Each year Norgine support European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month by raising awareness and funds for EuropaColon - Thank.........
Beating Bowel Cancer and Bowel Cancer UK are delighted to announce that we are joining together to become the UK's leading bowel cancer charity
Both Boards of Trustees unanimously welcome this merger as the best opportunity to achieve our shared vision of.........
Amgen to Support FDA Approval for Biocartis Cancer Test
Amgen Inc. in Thousand Oaks has agreed to provide operational and financial support to Belgium-based Biocartis Group in.........
14TH ESO Colorectal Cancer Observatory
ESO Observatory in Barcelona on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 from 19:00 to 20:30 hours in Room 116 (Level.........
Patients Rights have no Borders
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the European Patients� Rights Day, Active Citizenship Network has decided to organize.........