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Eggs Are Good for the Heart...or Not

Published on�24 May 2018�back to previous

Here's why dietary epidemiology research can be rotten.

A new study, appearing in the journal Heart, suggests that consuming more eggs cuts the risk of cardiovascular death. But in this Deep Dive Analysis, F. Perry Wilson, MD, points out the myriad reasons that studies of this type are best left off the menu.

All those egg-bashing scientists are going to have egg on their face when this study, which is no yolk, cracks the case on the dietary benefits of those calcium-carbonate covered comestibles.

This ends the egg humor part of the presentation.

I need to joke a bit though, because honestly, it sort of pains me to talk about studies like this. But I need to talk about them, because other people talk about them, and I feel like as a physician part of my job is to say no, don't take these studies seriously.

But before I rant, here's what you need to know: a huge study of 500,000 Chinese people found that those who ate more eggs had less cardiovascular death...

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by F. Perry Wilson MD, MSCE May 21, 2018
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