Russia (Movement against Cancer)
The interregional public movement "Movement against cancer" (MAC) was created in 2008 by cancer patients, their families and physicians, with the support of the non-profit partnership "Equal Right to Life" to draw attention of public and authorities to the problem of access to innovative treatments for cancer in the Russian Federation inform the public about modern and effective means of diagnosis and treatment of malignant neoplasms.
The Movement's core is comprised of people who have managed to stop the disease, or have such an aim. At the same time, the Movement Against Cancer is not a small patient organisation. It is exactly a broad public movement that united prominent experts in oncology, opinion leaders, politicians, businessmen, creative professionals, athletes and journalists.
Affiliates of the Movement are found in more than 20 Russian regions.
Among its main objectives are:
- �Quality control of medical aid and support of patients whose rights on receiving adequate treatment are violated;
- �Interaction with the state authorities on improving access to modern methods of cancer treatment in Russia;
- �Raising awareness about cancer, its prevention, and importance of its early diagnostics among population.
The Movement is partnering with the state and public health authorities to increase public awareness about the programs of clinical examination and mass screening for early detection of cancer. With this purpose Movement Against Cancer held the following events all over Russia:
� MAC regularly conducts educational outreach activities (�Patients� School�) for cancer patients and their relatives with participation of specialists of the leading specialized medical institutions, representatives of health care authorities, public organisations, psychologists and lawyers. These events include lectures of specialists and are free for everyone.

Patients' Schools are also in the format of the online webcast, which makes participation possible for all cancer patients and their families, regardless of their location (photos, presented here are from lectures and newspapers articles on colorectal cancer);
Annual Forum of Movement Against Cancer (with participation of patients, doctors, officials, opinion leaders).The most vital issues on access to treatment, funding, legal environment, treatment guidelines are actively discussed at the Forum. Every year the Russian President and health care authorities receive proposals on improvement of health care system submitted by participants of the Forum among whom patients, survivors, doctors, politicians, advocates, celebrities.;
Distribution of campaign literature and presence in the media.
�White Book� - annually issued edition summarising information on all cases of failure to provide patients� access to cancer treatment.
All regional and federal decision-making authorities in the area of health care are provided with a copy of the �White Book�.
- MAC is a member of Public Councils on Protection of Patient� Rights at Russian Ministry of Health. MAC is responsible for submission of information on violations of patients� rights to access to cancer treatment and drugs toFederal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor �Russian FDA)
- HelpLine: +7 985-765-75-32 provides consultations on questions re patients rights, rehabilitation, psychological matters
- Fax: +7-495-234-65-92
- Е-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
- Web:�
Nikolay Dronov, Chairman of the Executive Committee � [email protected]
Coordination Board:
Julia� Aristova,
Chairman ofSverdlovskRegion Regional Division, ISM �Movement against Cancer�
Dmitry� Borisov, PhD
Executive Director, Non-Commercial Partnership �Equal Right To Life�,
Chairman, Public Council for Protection of Patients� Rights of Territorial Administration of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare in Moscow and Moscow Region
Nikolay� Dronov,
Chairman of the Executive Committee, ISM �Movement against Cancer�,
Member, Council of Public Organizations for Protection of Patients� Rights of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
Denis� Kurov,
Press-secretary, ISM �Movement against Cancer�
Elena� Miskova,
Participant of Moscow Regional Division, ISM �Movement against Cancer�
Eduard� Nagumanov,
Head of Department of Clinical Trials, Tatarstan Regional Clinical Cancer Center,
Executive Director, Non-commercial organisation �Association of Cancer Care Facilities of Privolzhsky Federal District�
Marina� Rumyantseva,
Chairman of Saint-Petersburg Regional Division, ISM �Movement against Cancer�;
Vladimir� Frolov,
Participant of Moscow Regional Division, ISM �Movement against Cancer�
Marat� Sharafutdinov, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine Faculty,Ulyanovsk State University,
Participant of Ulyanovsk Regional Division, ISM �Movement against Cancer�
Chairman of Council of Public Organisations for Protection of Patients� Rights at Ministry of Health of Ministry of Health of Ulyanovsk Region
Natalya� Shestakova,
Chairman of Moscow Regional Division, Chairman of Coordination Board, ISM �Movement against Cancer�