Equal Right to Life is a non-governmental organisation established in 2006 by Russian oncologists and volunteers. Its aim is to assist in implementation of socially significant initiatives in the sphere of healthcare so that to ramp up efforts of all layers of society in fighting against cancer.
Equal Right to Life is the member of Public Council for Protection of Patients' Rights at the Ministry of Health of Russia and at the Administration of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in Moscow and Moscow region, member of the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control in the Developing Countries (initiative of Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Dan-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Initiative for Global Equality).�
Main activities
ERTL carries out various social activities, which can be divided into 3 major groups focused on different objectives:
1)����������� Public and International Activities
ERL is a member of the Public Council for Protection of Patients� Rights (an advisory body at the Administration of the Federal Service for the Supervision of Public Health (Moscow and Moscow Region);
ERL is a member of CIS Anticancer Association;�
ERL has the Consultative Status within the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC);
ERL is a member of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC);;
ERL actively collaborates with Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control in Developing Countries (GTF.CCC Harvard Global Equity Initiative).
2)����������� Projects focused on HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS:
Healthcare professionals training programs. Oncologists from various Russian cities participate in educational/workshop sessions, where experts from Russian leading cancer research centers share the latest experience in cancer diagnosis and treatment. So far, 1,200 healthcare professionals have been trained
Cancer Patients Registry. Supported by Russian MoH. Electronic cancer patients database shall cover every Russian oncological hospital.
3)����������� Charity:
Renovation of health care facilities;
Donation of medical and laboratorial equipment (tomoghraphs, X-Ray machines, etc.) and medical products, e.g. biopsy guns, hospital beds, medical reagents and tests.
Active support of other NGOs (PAGs): donations, free services, free consulting.
4)����������� Projects focused on PATIENTS:
Collaborative projects with Russian PAGs and NGOs, e.g. Patients Schools, OncoPatrol, HelpLine, etc.
Independent Expertise in Healthcare.
�Dmitry� Borisov, Executive Director, [email protected]
General Assembly of Founders:
Dmitry� Borisov, PhD
Executive Director, NP �Equal Right To Life�,
Chairman, Public Council for Protection of Patients� Rights of Territorial Administration of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in Moscow and Moscow Region
Oleg� Melnikov, PhD
Associate Professor, Head of Oncology Department, Clinic of Departmental Surgery at St.-Petersburg State I.P.Pavlov Medical University
Oksana� Schelkunova,
Equal Right to Life is the member of Public Council for Protection of Patients' Rights at the Ministry of Health of Russia and at the Administration of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in Moscow and Moscow region, member of the Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control in the Developing Countries (initiative of Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Dan-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Initiative for Global Equality).
In July 2013 Equal Right to Life was granted consultative status by the Economic and Social Council (UN).
ECCAM 2015
In March 2015, in order to raise attention about the colorectal cancer and the issues surrounding the disease, Movement against Cancer and Equal Right to Life implemented the campaign that was developed by EuropaColon HQ.
For more information please see the links to the website and social media below:�
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Ravnoepravo news - �vtoraja-nedelja-eccam-skrining-i-pomoshch-pri-rake-obodochnoi
Rakpobedium news - startovala-pervaja-nedelja-eccam-profilaktika-raka-obodoch
Rakpobedium news -�vtoraja-nedelja-eccam-skrining-i-pomoshch-pri-rake-obodochnoi
Ravnoepravo Facebook Page
Dvizenie Protiv Raka Facebook Page�