EuropaColon in partnership with our sister organisation the Global Colon Cancer Alliance advertised and marketed CCPC 2013 through its 21 affiliate and associate groups across Europe.� In addition the Conference was marketed to other colorectal cancer specific non-governmental organisations globally.�
EuropaColon once again committed to sharing this important event to as wide a global audience as possible through web-streaming the Conference in a �live� capacity and also a �playback� approach which will allow viewing until November. A platinum sponsor will have the opportunity to feature on the web-streaming site and therefore the potential to achieve global reach.
The benefits of sponsoring such a credible and successful meeting are numerous however we feel that the elements/benefits are as follows:�
At CCPC 2013 there were numerous opportunities to engage with delegates which included patients, their families, caregivers, clinicians, politicians and representatives from national health ministries.
At CCPC 2013 we will be offering exhibition space to interested and relevant parties. Space is limited so allocation will be on a first come first served basis: For Not for Profit organisations we will be able to offer a communal table to exhibit your literature.