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General Progress:- Established on 4 October 2007
- A National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Survey was conducted in the months leading up to March 2008 by (GFK Polonia)
Awareness Campaigns:- In March 2008 europacolon � Polska working in partnership with the Polish Family Doctor Association distributed data on the 'Top Medical Trends � 2008' to over 3500 family doctors
- Included in the information were leaflets the role of europacolon � Polska, the Polish Screening Programme and a brochure on 'What is Colorectal Cancer'
- Once again in March 2008 europacolon coordinated the first 'Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day' in Warsaw
- This pioneering initiative saw a vintage tram driven around Warsaw manned by oncologists, psycho-oncologist and europacolon Polska staff members giving away free FOBT testing kits in information packs consisting of:
- Booklet on colorectal cancer
- Key screening data taken from a survey conducted by the National Screening Programme
- Leaflet on europacolon and it's mission
- The event was attended by special guests: Doctor Andrzej Deptala � Director of Oncology Department in MSWiA Hospital in Warsaw along with Professor Genowefa Grabowska, a Member of the European Parliament and part of ENVI Commission
- Members of the public were encouraged to talk to all present
- Central Warsaw awareness event 27-29 March 2009 which included:
- Distributing leaflets about CRC, prevention and screening programme
- Exhibiting eurocolon (27 March)
- Gathering signatures for Manifesto
- Gathering signatures for petition to Polish Government that every citizen has the right to be treated for cancer using new kinds of drugs
- Exposing CRC - a huge threat to everyone
- A balloon symbolizing cancer -� everyone who cut the red ribbon was taking part to kill the symbolic cancer (27 March)
Lobbying/Campaigning:- The Colorectal Cancer Awareness Event was attended by� Professor Genowefa Grabowska, a Member of the European Parliament and part of ENVI Commission
- europacolon � Polska actively campaigned MEP's during the launch event for European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - March 2008 in Brussels
Media Activity:- In March 2008 europacolon � Polska organized a press conference where the results of the �National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Survey were announced�.� In addition this event also saw promotional activity for the launch of European Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in Brussels
- The three day awareness event in Warsaw in March 2009 was widely covered by different media including TV, radio, press and internet