- europacolon Belgium was launched March 2009
- The focus will be action based and bottom-up communication
- Website launched - www.europacolon.be
- Launch press conference held in EU Parliament
Association of Citizens Colon
- Established in 2009
- Website - http://www.colon.ba
Media activity - three television interviews, two radio interviews and printed media - Activity around the Manifesto for life
- Launched a film on the ‘The Patient Journey through Diagnosis and Treatment and the Psychosocial Impact of Living with Colorectal Cancer'
- March 2011 saw the launch of the ‘Do You Ignore the Signs?' Campaign
- europacolon - España launched in November 2006
- Website launched: www.europacolonespana.org
- The new organisation conducted the first ever Public Colorectal Cancer Survey with the results launched at a press briefing
- europacolon España has taken all opportunities to increase the organisations visibility
- europacolon Espana has joined five different scientific societies -Asociación Española de Gastroenterología (AEG), Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE), Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC), Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) and Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica (SEOR
- Launched new booklet called ‘Most Frequent Questions about CRC'
- europacolon España translated the Manifesto for life and sent to journalists along with a press release, a summary of the document and the Manifesto form life (pdf format)
- A request for support for the Manifesto for life was sent by the President of europacolon Espana to Spanish representatives at the European Parliament along with Health Chancellors in every Spanish
- Met with representatives from the Chamber of Deputies to discuss the current issues surrounding colorectal cancer in Spain
- Along with the Tejerina Foundation, facilitated a seminar about colorectal cancer and health at work
- Held a debate on: Prevention of Colorectal Cancer: Nurses Involvement
- europacolon – Espana facilitated a debate about “Prevention of CRC in Spain” in the Scientific Research Centre supported by the Spanish Health Ministry
- 330 pieces of media coverage
- europacolon-Hrvatska launched in November 2008
- Website launched
- Series of introductory lectures to oncology, surgical and GI departments of main oncology hospitals in Croatia. Supported and presented by europacolon members and doctors
- Magyarország (Hungary - You Can Recover) established in December 2006
- Website launched: www.europacolon.hu
- europacolon - Magyarország strategically planned and developed colorectal cancer support clubs in many of the oncology centres in Hungary