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Bowel Cancer UK

Established in 1987, Bowel Cancer UK is a national charity with offices in England and Scotland.

Our Mission Statement

  • Bowel Cancer UK aims to save lives by raising awareness of bowel cancer, campaigning for best treatment and care and providing practical support and advice.

Why our Work is so Important

  • Early diagnosis of bowel cancer in the UK is a problem because people either find it uncomfortable to discuss the symptoms of the disease or simply do not know what they are.
  • Survival rates in the UK are amongst the lowest in Europe, with 15% more patients being diagnosed at a later stage of the disease compared with most other European countries.
  • This is why Bowel Cancer UK's work to encourage people to recognise the symptoms of the disease and to act on their concerns so that they have the best chance of survival is so important.

Current active campaigns:

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - April every year
Check It�www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/check-it

Colores (Finland)

  • Roadshow in Helsinki and Tampere with evening programme including lectures and information about colorectal cancer and Colores open to all citizens.
  • 13-15 March 2009 -�Weekend course�to educate colorectal� patients who were diagnosed two or more years ago, to become helpline support for new colorectal cancer patients.�
  • Publishing the 'quide-book' for colorectal cancer patients.
  • Colores founder Prof. Inkeri Elomaa wrote her memoirs �Tartu
    toivoon, sy�p�l��k�rin k�denj�lki�� (Nov. 2009) as an oncologist for 35
    years. She has been interviewed by the media many times with over 30
    stories appearing in papers and magazines and in two TV programmes.
  • Sending and bringing Colores brochures and posters to health care
    stations and hospitals.
  • Organizing clinical education days for doctors and other
    healthcare personnel who exam and treat colorectal patients in different
    hospitals and clinics during the colorectal patients �path�.
  • 24 February 2009 - Organizing seminar about colorectal cancer to Finnish Parliament Members together with Parliaments Cancer Network in House of Parlament in Helsinki. Speakers: Colores board members: Prof. Seppo Pyrh�nen and Prof. Jukka-Pekka Mecklin.
  • Inkeri Elomaa donated her book for every new Colores member during 15th November to 15th December 2009. The member recruiting doubled during the period.
  • Applying for membership for the Finnish Cancer Association.
  • Participating in ESV Seminars (Parliament Cancer Network)
  • Participating in Finnish Cancer organizations Network meetings.
  • Co-operation with 12 local cancer organizations in Finland.

  • Sponsor agreements with medical, healthcare and other companies
  • Organizing Colorectal Summit 2009 for medical and healthcare companies. Top professionals lectured and participated in �Meet the professors� panel and discussions. Companies paid for participation fees.


Macedonia - (BORKA)

  • Borka � Association for combating cancer www.borka.org.mk
  • Existing group set-up in 2007 to provide support for those living with cancer and encourage reforms in the current healthcare system in Macedonia
  • Borka focuses on all types of cancer and aim to fight against cancer in general, but individually against various types of cancer
  • Borka provides psychosocial support groups for patients of any type of cancer
  • Borka's campaign for screening of colorectal cancer began� March�
  • The organisation facilitated a screening steering committee made up of clinical doctors from the clinic for gastroenterohepatogy, clinic for oncology and the clinic for abdomen surgery, medical professors and most importantly patients
  • To raise awareness in March 2009, ORA held a press conference,� printed about 200 t-shirts, 10,000 badges, 15,000 brochures and banners
  • In March 2009 BORKA was interviewed on many television shows where discussions on colorectal cancer and prevention took place
  • The most important achievement for 2009 was the effective lobbying of the Ministry of Health - the Republic of Macedonia which included the Government and Parliament - the result is acceptance of a screening program�
  • The helpline service in Macedonia is + 389 (0) 800 55 777


ARCAD is a publicly recognized foundation which was created in France in December 2006 by Pr. A. de Gramont and two clinical research groups: GERCOR and FFCD � F�d�ration Francophone de Canc�rologie Digestive, with three major objectives:
  • Make the general public and health workers sensitive to the need for prevention and early screening of digestive cancers
  • Promote improvement of patient care and clinical research in the area of digestive cancers
  • Provide better information and support to patients suffering from digestive cancers.
A blog for the general public www.infocancercolorectal.com was launched in early March 2009 to create a space for information exchange and for patients.

Spring 2009 � saw the launch of Open Days-JPO- which are aimed at optimizing patient information on the therapeutic management of cancer of the colon or rectum.

A.R.CA.D Foundation supports a range of research programs aimed at improving treatment pathways for patients affected by cancers of gastrointestinal tract.

Website: www.fondationarcad.org

Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs (Austria)

General Progress:

  • Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs established in September 2004

Awareness Campaigns:
  • Organising 'Colonhealth' awareness days�(Tager der Darmgesundheit) throughout the country in 2008
  • Successful 'Patients Day' organised in Vienna in April 2008
  • Organised charity golf tournament of Selbstihilfegruppe Darmkrebs
  • Printed booklet including great ideas and cooking recipes for good bowel health
  • 18 March 2009 -�Day of colon health in Innsbruck. This included lectures about colorectal cancer, prevention and treatment. It was lead by a team of specialists including an oncologist, psycho oncologist, radiologist and surgeon, together�with an information stand of leaflets, plus a buffet for visitors
  • Published quarterly Forum magazine
Media Activity:
  • All forms of media in Austria have covered the activities of Selbsthilfegruppe Darmkrebs

�Colon Cancer Association (Serbia)

  • Existing group providing information and support for those affected by colorectal and liver cancers
  • The helpline service 'Ask the Experts' is available at :
  • The Association is a non profit, independent and non-partisan organization
  • The Association is made up of patients suffering from colon and liver cancer.� The Association is devoted to the fight against colon cancer prevention, improve the quality of life of patients, ensuring availability of therapies and helping those in need

Agaliazo Society of Volunteers Against Cancer (Greece)

  • Existing group providing information and support for those affected by colorectal cancer
  • The Society of Volunteers Against Cancer � AGALIAZO was legally founded in 1976 and is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness, psychosocial support and advocacy. The organisation has set up site specific sub-groups in cervical and breast cancers and has now set up a colorectal sub-group.�
  • On 8 March 2010, AGALIAZO became Associate members of europacolon specifically with the CRC sub-group.

The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends

The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends was founded in 1986,� by a small but pioneering group of women.� All of the founding members had already experienced cancer in one way or another - some were cancer patients themselves; others had suffered the loss of beloved ones.

Their voice was first heard through the words of Dr Anna Achilleoudi, the president and founder of the Association, who stated in public: 'I am a breast cancer survivor, cancer is curable if early diagnosed and treated.� I am a living example'.

Their objectives were already put in action:

  • To enlighten the public with the correct information on matters of prevention and early detection.
  • To promote continuous awareness, education and training of medical, paramedical and nursing staff on new developments of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
  • To initiate intervention aiming at rehabilitation.
  • To provide cancer patients and their families with moral and financial support.
  • To struggle for the improvement of cancer diagnostic and treatment services in Cyprus by educating and training both professionals and the public.
Progress to Date:
  • In 1990, the Psychosocial Support and social rehabilitation service began �
  • Two years later, in 1992, a multi-disciplinary Home Care Service began to operate In 1995 the Association established the Physiotherapy Service
  • In 1998 the Day Care Centres� were opened - patients can participate in groups and activities which provide companionship, friendship and support
  • In 2005, the Patients' Transport Service provided its service to 465 patients. �
In 2009, 3501 patients and relatives were the recipients of support, care and help from PASYKAF professionals free of charge.

Since 2000, systematic awareness campaigns with strong messages in MM and lectures to target groups covered the following topics:

2000 � Sunsmart

2002 � 5 fruit and vegetables a day

2004 � Male Cancer (Testicular & Prostate cancer)

2006� Male Cancer (Testicular & Prostate cancer)

2007 � Prevention and early detection of bowel cancer

2008 � I Love my smoke free environment Vs second hand smoking

2009 � I love my healthy and active childhood � Nutrition & Excercise Vs Obesity

2010 � Stop Cervical cancer (prevention and early detection)

ECCAM 2012 - Darmkanker Nederland

�Samen sterk tegen darmkanker� verovert Europees Parlement
Maart is de internationale maand tegen darmkanker. Deze ziekte treft jaarlijks 400.000 Europeanen en blijft daarmee de tweede belangrijkste sterfteoorzaak van kanker.� Europarlementsleden Wim van de Camp (CDA) en Frieda Brepoels (N-VA) sloegen de handen in elkaar samen met de Nederlandse stichting Pixels tegen Darmkanker en de Vlaamse vzw Stop Darmkanker. Op een speciale actiedag in het Europees Parlement lieten zij zien wat Samen sterk tegen Darmkanker betekend.
Het Europarlement kleurt blauw.
In het Europees Parlement werden volgende acties ondernomen:
- �s Ochtends werden 3000 blauwe campagnelintjes en informatiefolders verspreid aan de beide hoofdingangen van het Europees Parlement. Ook alle 754 Europarlementsleden kregen deze informatie in hun persoonlijke brievenbus.
- Om 11u volgde een persconferentie met de onthulling van een bijzonder blauw lint ontworpen door Vlaamse topdesigner Tim Van Steenbergen en de lancering van een gloednieuw online netwerkplatformvoor de �United Europe against Colon Cancer�-gemeenschap.

Marthen Bakker (voorzitter Pixels tegen Darmkanker):
Elk jaar komen er in Nederland ca. 12.500 nieuwe gevallen van darmkanker bij. Dat staat gelijk aan 1 op de 20 Nederlanders. In Europa zijn de cijfers niet anders. Door meer voorlichting te geven willen wij samen met onze samenwerkingspartner Stop Darmkanker het taboe dat er rondom darmkanker heerst doorbreken. �Meer informatie staat in onze optiek gelijk aan minder darmkanker. Met onze doelstelling -� Samen sterk tegen Darmkanker � laten we zien dat we steeds meer mensen effectief kunnen informeren over de landsgrenzen heen. Met de lancering van het nieuwe community platform �United Europe against Colon Cancer�www.stopcoloncancer.info/ willen we een (informatiebrug) brug slaan tussen alle Europeanen.�

Dr. Luc Colemont van de vzw Stop Darmkanker was bijzonder enthousiast over de actiedag: Screening en vroegtijdige detectie kunnen tot 30% van de overlijdens voorkomen. Info- en voorlichtingsacties moeten kunnen leiden tot een verhoogde participatiegraad aan het bevolkingsonderzoek dat in 2014 in Vlaanderen en 2013 in Nederland zal worden georganiseerd� Uiteindelijk moet dit op langere termijn resulteren in minder darmkanker. Immers, hoe vroeger darmkanker kan worden ontdekt, hoe groter de kans op genezing en overleving�
Jolien Pon

Registration No: 5314195 Registered Office: 92 Palatine Road, London N16 8ST.
Email:�[email protected]