Adopted at the Board Meeting held on 9th March 2011
1.�� �NAME:The Name of the Organisation shall be:
Hereinafter referred to as (�the Organisation�)
2.�� �REGISTERED OFFICE:The registered office of the Company is to be in England and Wales
3.�� �ADMINISTRATION:The affairs of the Organisation shall be administered and managed in accordance with this Constitution by the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as �the Board')
4.�� �OBJECTS:The objects of the Organisation are:-��� 4.1��� ��� To make the detection, treatment and prevention of colorectal cancer a priority in�� Europe, both amongst its citizens and amongst politicians and professionals
��� 4.2��� ��� To increase awareness of colorectal cancer including symptoms, treatment prevention and risks
��� 4.3��� ��� To campaign for screening and equitable access to best treatment and care
��� 4.4��� ��� To work in partnership with healthcare professionals and others to provided colorectal cancer education and training for the clinical community and broader communities
��� 4.5��� ��� To help create patient advocacy groups that can act at all levels
��� 4.6��� ��� To assist in the elimination of colorectal cancer as a fatal disease by increasing public awareness with a view to increasing early detection, prevention and treatment
��� 4.7��� ��� To promote research into the detection, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer
��� 4.8��� ��� To disseminate research findings amongst health care professionals and amongst professions allied to health and in particular with recommendations for the detection, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer
��� 4.9��� ��� To provide authoritative information services for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer and their families, friends and other interested persons by providing reliable and up to date information on all treatment and therapies relating to colorectal cancer
��� 4.10��� To contribute to and improve public education and awareness of colorectal cancer
��� 4.11��� To carry on operations as a not-for-profit company