�Note: Items marked with a
* required
Please refer to
www.paypal.com for details on setting up a free account and user and safety advice. If you have any issues with registration, please contact Kate Howarth:
[email protected]You will receive an email to acknowledge your booking and joining instructions on where to go.
europacolon will award a limited number of travel/accommodation grants to patients in order to attend the Conference.
Requests for support should be submitted with a motivation letter and a medical certificate from a registered clinician. You will be contacted before the Conference to advise if your application has been successful or not. Grants will be issued at the end of the Conference on day two and on production of receipts for flights and/or hotel. The grants are aimed to support those patients who ordinarily would be unable to attend the Conference. Preference will be given to attendees from countries with limited resources.
europacolon would like to thank LIVE
STRONG and Merck-Serono for their contribution towards the travel/accommodation grants.
To view europacolon's Grants Policy please
click hereFor further information and to apply for a grant please send an email in English:
[email protected]